The Five-Step Syllogism of ACT
1. We learn to think relationally; 2. which works instrumentally; 3. but increases our access to pain, and causes misery when applied...
How to Complain
If committed to both honest self-advocacy and being loving, there is a manner of communication which accords with both those values. It's...
When self-esteem is elusive: self-compassion
"It's time for us to put down the idea that we have to think well of ourselves at all times to be mature, successful, functional,...
"In your pain you find your values, and in your values you find your pain"
...There cannot be right or wrong values because, by definition, your values are how you are evaluating your own behavior. Values are the...
The Unwelcome Party Guest
Some of the comments posted to this video are funny. One of my favourites is, "Yep, lock the door and he comes through the window, lock...
The Catch-All Nature of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Steven Hayes, one of the founders of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) explains how understanding the processes of psychological...
A Therapy for Willingness
The "acceptance" in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is not about condoning mistreatment; it isn't about resignation; it isn't...